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Vero Cendoya

Born in Barcelona in 1976
Vero Cendoya combines her career as a performer, teacher, painter, illustrator and choreographer.

She studied dance at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona and at the Movement Research and Trisha Brown Centers in New York.
As a performer she has worked with Sol Picó, Mar Gómez, Olga Cobos - Peter Mika, Àngels Margarit, Marta Aran or Andrés Lima on the national scene. Abroad, with companies such as Inbal Pinto Dance Company (Israel), Hans Werner Klohe (Berlin), Le Boussniere (Switzerland), Veronika Riz (Italy) and STEPTEXT DA.CO (Germany) Sara Turunen (Finland).
She is choreographer and movement assistant for numerous theatrical shows such as DJT and ANGEL EXTERMINADOR by Blanca Portillo, LES AMISTATS PERILLOSES by Carol López at Teatre Lliure, NESSUN DORMA by Eu Manzanares at Sala Beckett, LA TRENA directed by Clara Segura and LE CONGRÈS NE MARCHE PAS by the company La Calòrica. 
He has also worked as assistant director for companies such as Senza Tempo and Sol Picó.
In 2008 she created her own dance-theater company, Cía Vero Cendoya, which is characterized by the collaboration with artists from different disciplines such as theater, painting, transformism, music, poetry or soccer. Since then she runs the La Palomera Creation Center, in the Sant Antoni neighborhood of Barcelona, which is also the main office of the company.
For 15 years Vero Cendoya and her team have been working hard for the full inclusion of people with (dis)abilities in the professional scene and on national and international stages. 
The result of these collaborations have borne fruit as LA PARTIDA, dance and soccer show that is still touring after being premiered in 2015 at FiraTàrrega, winner of different awards in 2015 and finalist for Max Awards 2016. Or IF (The Last Wish) theater show created with the journalist Natza Farré, ANTAGÒNICS a duet of Vero Cendoya with Rubén Cardoso, as a subject representative of the most influential transformist art of Barcelona. 
In 2013 she comes into contact with the world of inclusive arts through the JUNEDA INCURSIÓ project, in which for 9 consecutive years she performs a production entirely interpreted by people with intellectual disabilities and vulnerable groups, subsequently touring locally, bringing together 45 people on stage. Since 6 years ago, she opened frontiers carrying out the project K.A.E. TEATRE SOCIAL in the Garraf region, together with Anna Barrachina. 
Since then, until today, inclusion has become one of his main objectives. It is then when he decides to create pieces like HUNTING FOR THE UNICORN, a piece with Becky Parker, a co-creation with a girl with autism. In 2019 he creates ÓRDAGO A LA GRANDE with Arantza Lopez, an inclusive show within the Festival Simbiòtic, premiered at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya. He has also directed with Jordi Pérez the project BARRICIDI which was presented at the Festival EL GREC in 2019.

BOGUMER (or Lunacharski's children), an inclusive and intergenerational dance-theater piece of large format premiered at the Mercat de les Flors in 2021, HEM DE PARLAR or PARLEM-NE, street and indoor pieces that along with her career have served the choreographer to take her work around the world and extend her goal of transforming the viewer's perspective. In July 2023, she premiered CICATRIUS (contrapàs de mamuts i altres feres), with which she is once again firmly committed to a professional inclusive show. In May 2024, he premiered his latest large-format inclusive dance-theater show at the Mercat de les Flors, KEBO (mapa de la pell d'un cos). 
His shows have been presented in countless theaters and festivals in Spain and in countries such as Italy, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Cuba, Chile, Argentina, El Salvador, China and Taiwan, among many others.

  • Winner with BOGUMER (o hijos de Lunacharski) of the Derek Award for the best physical theatre play at the Edinburgh Festival FRINGE.

  • Critics' Award 2015 for Best Street Performance for LA PARTIDA

  • Moritz Award at FiraTàrrega for Best Show 2015 for LA PARTIDA.

  • Finalist to 2 MAX Awards for LA PARTIDA.

  • Finalist in the DANSCAT awards (2012) for professional career.

  • INCUBADORA Award at the Panorama Festival for EL ÚLTIMO PEZ.

  • Best International Short Film Award at the Inshadow Festival, Portugal, for EL ÚLTIMO PEZ.

  • Audience Award at the Festival Escènia de Teatro Joven, Valencia, for BODEGONES DE UN ALMA.

  • Special Audience Award at the XII Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid for 18-28.

In 2000 she began her collaboration with the Safia Gallery in Barcelona, where from 2001 to 2017 she took part in the exhibition Hipermercado del Arte Exposición La ISLA De ARTE, at the ILLA DIAGONAL shopping centre, Barcelona (where she took part from 2002 to 2017).
Her works form part of the set design for the television series JET LAG, starring T de Teatre and produced and broadcast on TV3.
She has held numerous solo and group exhibitions in Barcelona and abroad.
She has published 4 children's books:

  • GIRASONS of the AUDITORIO EDUCA publishing house organised by El Auditori de Barcelona.

  • MOMENTARI together with the dance company NATS NUS, as part of the Dan Dan Danza 2009 project to bring dance to children, organised by the Mercat de las Flors.

  • ARRUGATS from the publishing house La Galera, a collaboration with journalist Carles Capdevila.

  • MAYA i EL YOGA from the publishing house La Galera, a collaboration with the actress from T de Teatre, Mamen Duch.

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